Critical One Energy Inc.
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Critical One Energy Inc.
Critical One Energy Inc. – CSE: CRTL
Madison Metals Inc – OTCQB: MMTLF
Madison Metals Inc – FSE: 4EF0
Capital Structure
Frequently Asked Questions
Critical One Energy is traded under the ticker symbol CRTL on the Canadian Securities Exchange, under the ticker symbol MMTLF on the OTCQB, and under the ticker symbol 4EF0 on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. You can track our stock performance through your preferred financial news outlet or stock market app.
Shares of Critical One Energy can be purchased through a brokerage account. While we do not offer a direct stock purchase plan, our shares can be easily acquired on the open market via any stockbroker.
As of December 2023, Critical One Energy has 27.9M shares outstanding. This figure is subject to change, so we encourage investors to refer to our latest financial reports for the most current information.
Critical One Energy’ regulatory filings and financial reports are available on our website under the Investors section, and can also be accessed through financial regulatory body's websites, ensuring transparency and ease of access for all our stakeholders.
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